Objective/outcome: the project focuses on understanding EHD phenomena and their potential application in reducing the air resistance of a moving object. The application of EHD effects to control airflow near the surface of a moving body is attractive because the system does not require moving parts, has a fast response time, and offers great potential for miniaturization and installation on large surfaces, such as airplanes or moving objects.
Project period: 02.09.2024-31.08.2028
Involved partners: University of Tartu
Funder: State Shared Service Centre
Support for Estonian Aviation Academy: 124,703.04 €
Objective/outcome: the objective of the project is to develop piloting and control algorithms for unmanned fixed-wing aircraft in order to fully realize their potential in challenging areas such as search and rescue services, or monitoring in obstacle-rich urban environments and indoor spaces.
Project period: 01.11.2023-30.10.2027
Involved partners: University of Tartu
Funder: State Shared Service Centre
Support for Estonian Aviation Academy: 124,703.04 €
Objective/outcome: expert research on assessing the impact of the Saare Wind Energy offshore wind farm on aviation.
Project period: 15.05.2023-30.06.2023
Partner: Roheplaan OÜ (client)
Objective/outcome: expert research on assessing the impact of the Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm on aviation.
Project period: 01.01.2023-31.10.2023
Partner: Utilitas Wind OÜ (client)
Objective/outcome: expert research on assessing the impact of the Liivi offshore wind farm on aviation.
Project period: 01.01.2023-30.09.2023
Skepast&Puhkim OÜ (client)
Objective/outcome: increasing the air defense capabilities of the Estonian Defence Forces.
Project period: ending 31.12.2022
Estonian Military Academy
Objective/outcome: providing possible solutions for identifying the development potential and planning as well as implementing developments in Tartu regional airport, considering trends that are resulting from developments of technology and regional airports.
Project period: 2022
Objective/outcome: to find out the potential capacity of small-scale (with drones) air cargo that may pass through the Tartu Airport.
Project period: 30.10.2020-30.01.2021
Objective/outcome: carry out a study on the possibility of conducting automatic aerodrome weather observations at the request of the Environment Agency.
Project period: 27.05.2020-03.08.2020
Objective/outcome: a draft of air traffic control procedures related to remote tower operation based on human factor analysis and prepares these procedures for validation and certification.
Project period: 26.07.2017-2020
Objective/outcome: the mini flaps are 7% wide Fowler-type, in-flight adjusted variable angle lift regulators developed by EAVA. The aim of the project is to improve the aerodynamic performance of aircraft at different flight speeds. Technologies under development and testing can be applied not only to light aircraft but also to improve the performance of commercial aircraft and reduce fuel consumption.
Project period: 2014-2020
Objective/outcome: validation of LPV approach procedures. Compilation of safety assessment, simulation of procedures in ELA FNPT simulator, review of procedures at Tartu airport.
Project period:
Objective/outcome: validation of LPV approach procedures. Compilation of safety assessment, simulation of procedures in ELA FNPT simulator, review of procedures at Tallinn airport.
Project period:
Objective/outcome: validation of LPV approach procedures. Compilation of safety assessment, simulation of procedures in ELA FNPT simulator, review of procedures at Kärdla airport.
Project period: 18.09.2018-31.10.2018
Objective/outcome: validation of LPV approach procedures. Compilation of safety assessment, simulation of procedures in EAVA FNPT simulator, review of procedures at Kuressaare airport.
Project period: 08.03.2017-30.08.2018
Objective/outcome: development of unmanned aviation solutions in the field of ICT, developing robotic geo information data collection and geo information data processing as a unified system.
Project period: 20.07.2016-31.12.2017
Objective/outcome: to compile a study of the economic impact of the Estonian air maintenance sector on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
Project period: 17.03.2016-30.05.2016